The rules are going to change a little bit if you want to learn how to impress a girl at a supermarket or grocery store; there's a fine line between targeting a great-looking chick and practicing the art of flirting, as opposed to making her feel uncomfortable by following her around the store just to get a whiff of her perfume!
Women generally like to be left alone while they shop for groceries because let's face it; buying food is a very personal thing and the last thing they're expecting is for some "creep" to be chasing their skirt through the aisles!
Some men swear a supermarket is the best place to meet women. Women who frequent supermarkets tend to obviously be more experienced than your average crowd; indeed most of them are married or divorced with children. That's not to say their aren't a few younger 20-something chicks with no ties at all hanging out and buying healthy stuff at the grocer's, and this is where you come in - that is...unless you're after a married one!
Either way, the best way to approach a woman in a supermarket is to not approach them at all. Let them come to you.
Let me explain; what you need to do is scope out the supermarket and when you find a chick you have interest in, you have to find a way to be in the area where she is going to be walking through without "creeping" her out! When she does approach your area, try to make friendly eye contact accompanied by a smile, and do not stare - act naturally and move away, continuing to shop. What you've just accomplished is the most important part of knowing how to impress a girl at a supermarket - she knows you exist!
If you happen to run into her in another part of the store after that, then it's perfectly OK to say "hi" and a humorous icebreaker like, "Isn't this the most enjoyable part of our week, when we go shopping for things we have no choice but to buy?" When talking to women in this type of setting you should be very casual and friendly, and you should refrain from coming on to her aggressively.
Then if her body language is receptive and inviting, and the situation calls for it, politely introduce yourself. At this point you can just key off of her response and take the conversation as far as you want to go and maybe get a phone number, or you can call it a day, go pay for your groceries and wait until the next time you see her; and you will!
Hope now you will be able to Impress a Girl at the Supermarket.
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