Check the vibes:
Before you begin how to impress a girl in college, understand their attitude. College is a way station among high school and a career. Many college girls may look for exciting men to date and have relationships with. Overall, however, these girls are a short-lived bunch with goals. Be faithful about how long a relationship might last.
Feel her out:
Decide what she's about before jumping into impress a girl in college. Does she hang with a crowd? If so, is it mostly girls or a mixture of coeds? If she's with another dude, don't waste your time. Outsiders may be the easiest to impress as they don't have strong ties to others.
Express a good image:
Nothing impresses college girls more than a stout, positive image. Look after your grooming and own cleanliness. Be careful about your look. Wear bright beautiful clothes that fit, take care of your shoes and be neat with your special items.
Act with kindness:
Being respectful will impress college girls. In a world of shakes and bad boldness you will stand out.
Show off your IQ:
You're in school, so impress a girl in college by showing off your intellect. Get good grades, be a helpful lab partner and always take notes during lectures. She will notice your thoroughness and take her own notes about your extraordinary study habits.
Be serious:
If you're regular, prepared, and ready, you will impress a girl in college with your devotion to your education. After all, you're at college to advance your career. Women dig good earners who are smart, savvy and motivated. Make the most of your college involvement and you're sure to impress yourself, too!
Hope it has helped you a lot you must also read how to impress a girl.
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