How To Impress A Girl

Impress A Girl

Discover the secrets that How To Impress A Girl within just minutes any where and any time.You will learn how to approach and talk to a beautiful girl in a way that will make you both charming and stimulating to the fairer sex. You will learn tactics that would give yourself confidence in your capability that how to impress a girl at any will.

how to impress a girl

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You can det agirl to like you by acting upon on our simple techniques along with the featured book described in the following lines.

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Learn the manners and the techniques to talk to a girl and impress her even in your first date.Try to make Instant Rapport With Girls to catch them.

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How to Impress a Girl at Will!

Posted by absia On 1:37 AM
However we want to call it, whether attracting women or how to impress a girl of your dreams, most of us get stuck just looking at these beautiful girls as they pass by without ever even saying, "Hello."

It's one of those mysteries in life for many of us men; we constantly live in a dream world, ogling the women of our dreams in a park, at an event, in a bar, or anywhere when all we really have to do is gain the knowledge of how to approach and talk to these beauties.

Haven't you ever wondered why that guy with the plain looks has been attracting the most beautiful chicks on the planet ever since high school and college. What the heck does he have that you haven't got?

No, it's not what the cowardly lion responded with when Dorothy of the Wizard of Oz asked the same question and he said, "Courage." It takes more than having the guts to walk up to a woman to be able to impress her.

It takes me back to my high school days. I knew someone I'll call Jeremy (I've changed his name so I don't embarrass him - everyone will eventually know who I'm talking about if I use his real name). Anyway, Jeremy was an acquaintance of mine; I wouldn't say he was a friend because he just hung around the group of friends I hung around with.

But one thing we guys all noticed about him was his ability to impress girls with "I don't know what!" He simply wasn't very good-looking at all. He wasn't even muscular for that matter. I think the only thing he had going for him was his gift of gab.

He would walk up to them, start a conversation, and eventually get the girl while we boneheads remained astounded and shaking our heads at his success.

I knew if he could do it, I could too! I just needed the right information.

A few years after high school graduation, I ran into this guy at a club and he was doing the same thing; he always had the best-looking chicks around him. I couldn't help myself. I had to ask him what his secret was on how to pick up women.

His answer didn't shock me. He told me, "There are many ways to impress a girl, but it starts with appearing sincere, relaxed, in-control, and being yourself." I picked his brain for about ten more minutes before he dumped my conversation like a sack of potatoes. Even though I was prodding for more information he said, "Dude, I gotta' go, sorry." And with that, one of the best-looking chicks grabbed his arm playfully and led him away.

I remember how I sat at the bar feeling like such a loser when it came to picking up women. Heck, I was in the prime of my life and I couldn't score to save my life! But I took his advice and ran with it, and in no time, I was enjoying success of my own; I finally knew how to impress a girl at will.

For a few years before I settled down and got married, I was a chick magnet! I met my wife using the very same techniques I'm going to share in this site with you.

In the coming weeks I'm hoping to share the information Jeremy gave me and I'll share some advice of my own so stay tuned!

1 Response to 'How to Impress a Girl at Will!'

  1. JTP Said,'> September 14, 2011 at 9:34 PM

    Good stuff here. not the normal crap you see people saying, and i love the storytelling style.
    I wrote a post where i tear into some of the myths about impressing women:
    I'd like to know what else Jeremy said...


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