How To Impress A Girl

Impress A Girl

Discover the secrets that How To Impress A Girl within just minutes any where and any time.You will learn how to approach and talk to a beautiful girl in a way that will make you both charming and stimulating to the fairer sex. You will learn tactics that would give yourself confidence in your capability that how to impress a girl at any will.

how to impress a girl

How To Get A Girl to Like You

Get A Girl to Like You

You can det agirl to like you by acting upon on our simple techniques along with the featured book described in the following lines.

how to get a girl to like you

How To Attract Girl

Attract Girl

Do you want to be one who is always get noticed then always try to stand in the center of the room. Try to wear glowing colors and just read the featured book in the following.

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How To Talk To Girls

Talk To Girls

Learn the manners and the techniques to talk to a girl and impress her even in your first date.Try to make Instant Rapport With Girls to catch them.

talk to girls

How To Talk To Girls

Posted by absia On 3:16 AM
Instant Rapport With Girls
Can you really create instant rapport with just about anyone? Is such a thing even possible? Not only is it possible, it's really just a matter of simple psychology. The idea of establishing rapport with anyone is amazingly straightforward, and it’s based on the fact that most people are in love with themselves. Actually, they are in love with their own ideas and brilliant points of view. In order to get people to like you the major trick is merely to reflect their own “brilliance” back at them in such a way that it appears the two of you are on the same wavelength. Of course, that would be their wavelength! Not so difficult to understand, is it?As a man, rapport building with any girl begins with the ignition of that special spark called chemistry. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. In order to achieve this elusive goal, however, it’s important to start off on the correct footing with her right out of the box… friendly, interesting, sexy, good mannered, confident, socially engaged (i.e., it appears that you actually have a life), a little bit edgy, and perhaps even just a bit intriguing in some way. Boiled down to its essence, the main thing you always want to accomplish on any initial encounter is to make a lasting, good first impression. You must understand how crucial this is. It’s like the old adage that suggests that once you've acquired the reputation of an early riser, you can sleep until noon and the world will still regard you as a guy who "gets up with the roosters". The reason for this is that people are mentally lazy… they would just as soon put a tag you – however ill-founded or inaccurate – rather than have to bother reconsidering you all over again every time they see you. It’s why so many of us come to rely on stereotypes instead of giving people an honest chance to express themselves before we decide who they are.

How To Talk To Girls
Realize this idea cuts both ways of course, and that a bad first impression will also cling to you like atomic dogshit. Therefore you must work hard to avoid making a bad first impression at all costs too… or you'll have blown it with that particular girl forever. Read that last word again – FOR-EV-ER! This means that you will never get a chance to go back and "undo" a lousy first impression. For instance, one of the very big no-no's of picking up girl is to act like a strongly-opinionated, know-it-all jackass who's constantly recommending how people should all do this and they should all do that. Any attempt to intellectually dominate another person (especially when you first meet them) is such a complete and total turn off to just about everyone, it's unlikely the perpetrator has any friends at all. For the sake of meeting girl then, you must learn how to become agreeable (but in a non-kiss ass way) that will serve to create an immediate sense of comfort and connection.
Look, punching through your shame and fear takes a lot of courage on your part -- but it will all be for naught if you don't follow through with that great first 4 minutes. Yes, four minutes… this is the miniscule length of time it typically takes for a girl to create her critical first impression of a guy, and then to mentally file him away under the category of either INTERESTING / HOT GUY or BORING / NICE GUY.
And once filed baby, that's where you will stay!
Alright then, so you begin the rapport building process first by drawing her out... listen to get a feel for what her interests are. Guide the conversation towards safe topics like hobbies, lifestyles, common friends, hang-outs, etc., but let her do the steering by responding to cues as to what she's willing to talk about. Then show her that you either have a similar interest, or that you are open-minded enough to learn more about whatever it is that interests her. In a moment, I’ll show you how to modify the language that you use in order to make this connection seem even more intense.
IMPORTANT: Don't go too far with this and come across like some kind of total "me too" lying fake either, because -- unless you're an award winning actor -- you don't stand a chance of pulling it off. Make sure that your interest in a particular topic is genuine, or you'd be better off to just say nothing and press the conversation forward in hopes of finding some common ground with her that's more to your liking. Some topics (like for instance shopping...) are just too feminine and you wouldn't be expected as a normal  male to be too excited about them. She understands this, and in fact she could be slipping you a sophisticated test to see if you're full of shit. Be careful because, if she detects that you're being dishonest with her, the seduction is over. As with every aspect of seduction, you must always remain balanced between extremes in your behavior.
The ultimate goal of all this “seeking of commonality” is to give her something captivating to think about... later on. Why?... because we tend to convince ourselves about our insights into someone when we're off alone with our own thoughts. You might even say that we fall "in like" and then later on "in love" completely on our own. Falling in love is actually a self-hypnotic process which liberates neurochemicals that make us high -- and we keep going back after these drugs like any addict would. girl are especially fond of this "love drug" and will latch onto any guy who promises to keep it flowing!
In addition, focusing your attention on this search for common interests helps to keep your shame under control, because it keeps you busy with a task that occupies your mind and prevents you from back-sliding destructively into a zone of painful selfcenteredness ("I'm an asshole; I suck; I'm blowing this; I'm too nervous; what the fuck am I doing?; does she like me?; what should I say next?; should I ask her out now?; is that a snot I feel hanging out my nose?; I hate myself; I should have never said anything; how do I get out of this?; will I ever be able to come back here again and show my friggin' face?... etc.).
The fact that you are tasking instead of shame spiraling will distract you from your fear and allow you to project a more “together” vibe about yourself that is always highly attractive togirls.How To Get A Girl To Like You
The Eyes Have It

Let me tell you about a sneaky little social technology that you can use to create a warm feeling of connection with someone you’ve only just met. It involves reading their eyes to see what kind of sensory input they prefer to use when constructing their thoughts -- and then matching their favored thought preference with your choice of language.
People tend to fall into three distinct categories when it comes to using one of their primary senses to generate thoughts -- those that use their eyes, their ears or their feelings. By far most people are visuals (60%) who tend to create pictures in their minds when they think of things. Other people however (30%) are auditories who lean heavily on the use of remembered sounds and re-constructed speech dialogs to do most of their thinking. These people are often heavily into “sonic” pastimes like music or are often musicians themselves. The rarest group of all (10%) are tough to find... they are known as kinesthetics, and they prefer to rely on emotional feelings and sensations to guide their thought processes. You can really have fun with a kinesthetic girl if you can find one… they are easy to get a rise out of.
Your ability to use sensory-matching to gain rapport with someone will tend to vary inversely with how common that particular form of thinking is to be found among the general population.
Huh? What I'm trying to say is that, since most people are visuals for instance, they tend to find a lot of natural rapport with other people on a day-to-day basis, merely by pure chance. Since 60% of everyone is a visual (like me), we're bumping into other “visuals” all the time. Therefore, matching your figures of speech with a visual by using terms like "I see what you mean... that looks like a really great magazine you're reading..." may not even get noticed, especially in an emotionally-charged situation like a pick up. So this trick will not be very effective, for visuals.
However, the other two types of thinkers – auditories and kinesthetics – are found more rarely, and are therefore more intrigued and favorably influenced by an encounter with someone who seems to share their thinking style. This is especially true of the kinesthetics, who are notably more emotional than most people to begin with and can often be manipulated with a come-on that seems passionately charged. (Now, now... just because you'll soon know how to psychologically manipulate someone doesn't mean you are ethically free to do anything that isn't in her (as well as your own) best interests. Play nice!)
But more on all that in a minute. First let me show you how to read someone's eyes to find out what their preferred thought process is. It's really pretty simple. You've seen how people will cut their eyes in one direction when they're thinking about something or working over an image in their mind? We all do it, it's very common. Well, it turns out that the specific direction that we turn our eyes tells us what part of the brain is being accessed. The eyes act like a pointer... revealing that an individual is stimulating a particular portion of his brain where visual memories are being stored, or that segment of the mind used to create audible dialogs, or remembered feelings etc.
Eye cues are highly reliable because people perform them unconsciously and therefore they are beyond being faked.
For instance, when you ask someone a question that causes them to imagine something, their eyes will move in a direction that reveals just exactly how they prefer to frame their memories, and there are only three ways that it can happen. Either they form a picture in their minds to look at, or they hear sounds or a verbal dialog of people speaking, or they try to recall how something made them feel when they experienced it.
For example, let's pretend to ask some hippie-looking girl that we're trying to establish a rapport with, "Have you ever been to a Grateful Dead concert on a hot August night?" Now watch her eyes. A visual thinker will always look upwards when they ponder something, forming pictures in their mind and viewing them on a mental ‘screen' that only they can see. Whether they look to the left or right doesn't really matter that much(actually, looking to their left means they're remembering some image they've seen before, while looking to their right suggests that they're creating something new and imagining how it must look, if you wish to get super-technical about it). Our little hippie chick is seeing a picture of Garcia and the boys jamming on stage. Either she pulled an image up from memory (if she's actually been to a Dead concert), or she's trying to imagine what it must look like if she hasn't. What's really important is that you've identified her as someone whose thinking mode is primarily visual in nature.
This is the way that most (60%) of us commonly think however, and therefore isn't really all that useful because it's too conventional to exploit.
Eye Cues: All visuals look up (to the left or right) when they think.

Okay. A more rare find is an audible, a person who prefers to think in sound patterns. Thinking audibly forces a person to cut their eyes either to the left or right, but they keep their eyes level when doing so, they don't look upwards. This can be tricky to spot but if you watch carefully you can make the distinction. Our cute little friend is listening to a Garcia guitar rift in her mind... hearing the Dead play. Perhaps if you had asked her a question that involved recalling voices instead, she would have heard the dialog in her mind as opposed to seeing people speaking. The auditory's world is dominated by remembered sounds, voices and music.
Eye Cues: Auditories look to the left or right with eyes level when thinking.
But how does this information have any practical value for you? Well, once you know someone's thinking preference you can make a pointed effort to match their pattern by inserting conversational cues that suggest that you too share the same cognitive bias. This creates an instant feeling of closeness and camaraderie because the basis of all romantic attraction is simply this: people like people who seem similar to themselves. Finding someone so in tune with your own way of seeing the world validates your viewpoints and opinions. Stumbling across another person who seems to be on your wavelength – who holds the promise of one day being able to communicate with you in the shorthand of discerning glances – can be quite thrilling, for either sex.
This kind of intimate clue about a girl can be very useful in the early stages of a seduction. It allows you to capture an intuition about her that should have a good chance of being accurate, and this sets you up for being just a little bit mysterious and intriguing. "I have a sense about you... you are into music pretty heavily, do you play some kind of instrument?" you ask knowingly. Her return look is one of amazed curiosity. Bingo!... how the hell did you know that? girls love to discover this kind of mystery in a guy... especially one they're only just meeting. It's straight out of a gooey romance novel. Hell, it's what they live for!
This notion of influencing the subconscious is very important because you'll want to impress a girl with your similar outlook and style below the level of her awareness. This is where she will mull over her feelings and conjure up that "delicious sense" about you later on. She'll realize that you were saying things like "I hear what you mean" instead of I see what you mean, and so on. I know this takes some swift thinking on your feet, but it's well worth the effort. And remember that you can practice with anyone, not just a cute girl, so the pressure is off.
Once you've identified an auditory girl -- try to sprinkle your conversation with a lot of "sound" words like hear, rings true, talk, tell, harmony, tunes, clear as a bell, music to my ear, etc. On a subconscious level, she will begin to get a sense that you like to think in sounds also (even if you normally don't) and this will begin to forge a sense of connectedness between the two of you. When an auditory-type girl bumps into a guy who says things like "That sounds like a lot of fun, when the guitar notes echo off the back wall of the stadium and come humming back down over the crowd like that it makes your whole body pulsate in the same rhythm with everyone else. The music just seems to muffle everybody out..." it makes her stop and take notice. Hey, you're different... you're a lot like... me!
Are you grasping how persuasive a technique like this can be? Look at how I've deliberately salted the above example with words that evoke a sense of sound instead of pictures. The auditory will be fascinated to find someone who appears to be on their own audio wavelength -- especially if he happens to be a well-mannered, confident, dominant male... like you!
And finally, the kinesthetic.
Kinesthetics are even more rarely encountered than auditories, but you'll want to always be on the lookout for one when doing the "eye check" part of your pick-up routine, because it can be really easy to establish a deep emotional connection with this kind of girl almost immediately. Kinesthetics think with their feelings. When you ask them to recall something, they will try to get a sense of how something felt to them at the time it was happening. With a kinesthetic chick, emotions will always be her primary power source.
The kinesthetic has only a single eye-movement signature that's easy to spot if you watch for it carefully. She will always move her eyes down and to her right (your left as you look at her) when she ponders something in response to one of your clever questions (you know, the ones that get her to think deep about something, like "would you describe most of your friends as being loyal?" or something similar that makes her go far down into her mind to dig out an answer...). This particular eye movement links her thought processes directly to the emotional center of her brain. Watch for it!
Eye Cues: Kinesthetics look down and to their right when thinking.
Later, I'll demonstrate how you can exploit this quirk of neurobiology to give any girl (no matter if she's a visual, audio, stereo or DVD) a super-charged orgasm that will
have her calling you Master in no time at all! For now though, let's work on controlling our fears...
Anchors Aweigh
The most difficult part of approaching girls is often the need to keep generating the willpower to repeatedly experience the shameful feelings that lie at the root of your rejection sensitivity over and over again -- especially when that dreadful “moment of opportunity” first occurs. This is when they are strongest and seemingly most impossible to overcome. The good news is that a simple NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trick called anchoring can help.
The basic premise of anchoring involves replacing a negative, fearful emotion with an upbeat and positive one by linking the replacement emotion to a physical "trigger" -- like the notable stimulation of a specific part of the body -- and then firing it off when needed to instantly pull the good feeling up on demand. This replacement feeling should be one of genuine strength and power because, if it's strongly enough imagined, it will shove the negative emotion aside and take its place -- modifying your mood exactly when you need it the most.
Briefly, the anchoring process works like this: First you need to decide on what kind of physical stimulus to use as a trigger. It has to be something that you can do unobtrusively, since in our particular case it will be used "in the field" when we're considering approaching a girl . NLP trainers suggest you squeeze your wrist or tug on the third finger of your left hand to fire off an anchor, but I never had much luck with those kinds of triggers since they seem too ordinary and tend to get lost among all the normal daily actions that your hands go through.
What I do instead is use a very small rubber band as a trigger because the sensation forms a distinct memory in your nervous system. I loop the band around my wrist and keep it hidden behind my watchband where no one can see it. Pull the rubber band upwards and stretch it about an inch away from your skin, and then let it snap back. The small sting that it makes is your trigger. You can snap it either on the top or the bottom of your wrist, but once you make your choice be sure to stick with it consistently because you'll be teaching yourself to associate this specific jolt with a particular kind of emotional storm in your brain, so it's important that the feeling is exactly the same every time. Otherwise the neurology gets confused and nothing happens.

Next you must find some block of time each day where you can be alone to practice for about ten or fifteen minutes in a quiet, private place. Try for total silence, but if it's impossible to find a spot where there's no background racket leaking in, you might want to use some gentle music to cover over it. Get one of those New Age CD's -- Sensual Massage or Winds in the Woods… something like that. (No music with lyrics, lyrics are too distracting.) Even nature sounds like birds or ocean waves will work okay. Try to set aside a period of time each day for your training, since this is a conditioning exercise. Brains aren't like computers... you can't just install new software in one quick n' easy operation and watch the machine begin flawlessly performing new tasks. Brains must be taught new ways to process reality by repeatedly exposing them to the same training stimuli over and over again until fresh neural pathways are formed.
All training of any kind is either a mental or psychomotor skill (like playing piano or shooting foul shots) that is based on constant, boring repetition until the brain locks the actions into its deep memory somewhere and the task finally becomes "automatic". You have to be committed to seeing any type of training through to its completion. If you play with this a few times and give up, you won't experience any results.
Okay, here's the NLP drill: Get yourself into a relaxed state by listening to the music or the sound of your own breathing. Get a book on yoga -- they have some fantastic relaxation/breathing techniques. Make sure you have the rubber band in place and have decided on how to snap it every time, (over or under). Once you're relaxed, you need to conjure up a very happy or powerful feeling from your past memories and re-live it within your mind. This should be some kind of event or moment when you were swept with feelings of competence and power, as if you'd just won the Stanley Cup and are skating it around the rink held over your head with thousands of people cheering and your team mates surrounding you (what the hell, you won the Con Smythe too!). Not a hockey guy? How about a spacewalk in the Shuttle payload bay? Floating along and watching the Earth slip by... Whatever you decide to use, you'll have to really get into the fantasy until you can feel the chills running up and down your spine. For this to work, the imagery has to produce a pathway to these kind of intensely powerful feelings.
It's those awesome feelings that you'll want zapping through your brain as you reach over and snap the band. Snap once or twice, but always the same way. If you can't seem to think of an intensely upbeat personal experience, then make one up. Borrow something from one of your favorite movies. Put yourself in the role of Bruce Willis kicking some ass in Die Hard, or whatever. Take your time to replay the scene in great detail in your imagination, feeling the rush of emotions build as you do. When those emotions hit a chilling peak as the scene climaxes (“yippee ki-yo ki-yay, mutherxxxxxx..." ) make sure that the action is surrounding you at its center (put yourself in the scene, not standing back as an outside observer like you're watching it all happen on TV), then snap the band. Calm yourself down, then do it once more. Two experiences per training session every day for a month will do the trick.
I used to use the music from 2001: A Space Odyssey and imagine myself whizzing through the Universe. Then when the music peaked I would trigger the band snap and let the flood of emotions rush through me. After a while I could jolt myself into the same powerful state just by snapping the band when I was out someplace!
You might think this is all bullshit but it really does work. Unfortunately, you've got to stick with the training for several weeks. Yeah, I know… sorry, but I didn't invent how your brain works. Once we all switch over to CyberDyne micro-cranial CPU implants I'm sure this'll all get a lot easier. For now, this is the best we can do.
This entire procedure shouldn't steal more than 10 minutes out of your day. If you commit yourself to doing it on a regular basis (5 days a week?…), not so much the
fantasy scene but the emotions it creates will become associated with the sting of the band snapping in your unconscious mind. You can use different fantasy scenes if you want to so you don't get bored with the same one. Just make sure that the passions you generate make you feel powerful, omnipotent and confident before you let the band snap. Wait until you have the perfect "high" buzzing around in your head before snapping the band. That's really all there is to it.
Use this anchoring trick whenever you find yourself in a situation where you need immediate courage, or to cut off the defeating self-talk in your head that tries to stop you whenever the opportunity to chat-up some foxy chick presents itself. This can be a great weapon to use when toxic shame comes tagging along with those affection-craving emotions that you would like to be able to experience without feeling embarrassed. Now you can
Introducing Without Embarrassment: The Social Coward's Totally Fearless Seduction System -- the book that shows you how to naturally attract girls by overcoming the Toxic Shame that lies at the root of your Shyness and Rejection Sensitivity -- while teaching you how to project the powerful Dominant Male Attitudes that all beautiful girls find irresistibly attractive.
Look, logic and common sense don’t work when it comes to seducing girls… Learn how to behave like a High Status Male so that girls begin to find you “unrejectable” whether they like it or not! Without Embarrassment will demonstrate how to overcome the problems you've been having trying to pick up girls using unique methods that really work. It's not just a re-hash of the same old "How to Pick-Up Girls" 1970's disco bullshit you probably read a thousand times. Without Embarrassment will demonstrate advanced psychological tactics that can compel any beautiful girl to respond to your classy advances. Learn how to ignite "mating triggers" hidden deep within the female unconscious mind that will force her to submit in the presence of what she perceives to be a dominant male. Now i hope that you have learned a lot about How To Talk To Girls.

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